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OCU signs Academic Exchange Agreements with Thammasat University (Thailand)

Published on Feb 25, 2014


タイ タマサート大学と大学間協定並びに部局間協定を締結On 21 February 2014 a delegation, headed by the Rector of the prestigious Thammasat University (TU) in Bangkok, Thailand, visited Osaka City University (OCU) to conclude a university-wide academic exchange agreement. The signing ceremony took place in the OCU Media Center at the Sugimoto Campus. It will make possible the university-wide exchange of students and faculty. The two universities signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Specific Agreement containing the details on the exchange of undergraduate and graduate students.

Simultaneously, additional agreements were signed between the Faculties of Nursing and between the TU Faculty of Allied Health and the OCU Faculty of Medicine.

Another agreement between the TU and OCU Faculties of Medicine has already been in place since July 2013 and will see the first student exchange in April of this year.
タイ タマサート大学と大学間協定並びに部局間協定を締結?
