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EARCAG: The 4th Workshop on the Geopolitical Economy of East Asian Developmentalism

Published on Dec 13, 2019


EARCAG: The 4th Workshop on the Geopolitical Economy of East Asian Developmentalism

From Tuesday, 26 November to Thursday, 28 November, 2019, the Department of Geography, Osaka City University (OCU), in collaboration with the East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography (EARCAG), held the 4th Workshop on the Geopolitical Economy of East Asian Developmentalism.

The conference was based around four main themes “Shifting state-territoriality and the reconstruction of the geopolitical economy in East Asia”, “De/Re-bordering and a post-Westphalian stage. “Inter-island liminality as a new aspect of trans-local/border interactions” and “The reconceptualization and transformation of East Asia in the context of a rising China”. More than 40 participants (a total of 130 participants over the 3 days) from 13 countries including Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, etc. got together and actively exchanged opinions around?three keynote speeches and one special lecture, which were open to the public, in addition to 30 general presentations. The conference was followed by a field trip to Okinawa from Friday 29 November to Sunday 1 December, where 20 participants learned about the issues surrounding the US military base in Okinawa. The next conference will be held two years from now in Hong Kong.

Address by Professor Takashi Yamazaki, Graduate<br />School of Literature and Human Sciences
Address by Prof. Takashi Yamazaki
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences
Keynote speech by Anssi Paasi  University of Oulu
Keynote speech by Anssi Paasi
University of Oulu
Keynote speech by James D. Sidaway National University of Singapore
Keynote speech by James D. Sidaway
National University of Singapore
Keynote speech by Chih-Ming Wang Academia Sinica
Keynote speech by Chih-Ming Wang
Academia Sinica



This symposium was held by a Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-KAKENHI, the Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research “Fostering Joint International Research (B), Research project “The Construction of Trans-Border Geopolitics of East-China-Sea Islands” (18KK0029) represented by Professor Takashi Yamazaki of the Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences.

The Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research “Fostering Joint International Research (B) is a grant-in-aid seeking to increase infrastructure for joint international research or further strengthen joint international research and to support researchers who have shown to be internationally competitive.
